Used Other Office Furniture near Methuen, Massachusetts (MA)

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Boston, Massachusetts (MA)

(2) Single Poppin Phone Booth's, both in excellent condition, still has the new car smell. Needs to be out by Friday June 14th. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  (item #67346)

Used Parts and Accessories
Ships From:
Boston, Massachusetts (MA)
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Boston, Massachusetts (MA)

(106) 28x58 Enwork Sit & Stands: These immaculate tables come in finished wood pods of 6 & 8, with a powered trough (see pics). The pods have the flexibility to make your own floor plan. Each table comes with surface power/data modules, mobile b/f ped & privacy screens. The height capabilities is 27"- 47"H  (item #67203)

Used Desks
106        (Min. Purchase:   106)
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